Thursday, August 11, 2005
I had my first telephone job interview today. I think it went well and my background kinds of impressed the recruiter. But I stumbled over one question about leadership. I don't even remember how the question was asked, but I remember I was very surprised to hear the term. It's not that I never heard of that, I did, actually, too many times everywhere, and came across it every time when reading interview tip. I don't know why I just skipped it every time and think no one will really ask such abstract question. Maybe I've been in academia too long and the word sounds so strangely corporate to me. Or, I just realized, maybe I am never comfortable with the question because of culture background? Maybe deep inside, I was more conformed to the value of teamwork and collectivism and never wanted to be the one that look above all others? In Chinese, we said the bird that stands out will be shot first and there are lots of other proberbs on keeping low profile. Even I've heard this term 'leadership' thousands of times, the value associated with it makes me turne back on . When I got off the phone and eased down, I realized the question is just about a set of management skills, not about principles. I should have mentioned the teaching experience (I think I was given a cue by the recruiter, then I forgot), how to manage a class, how to keep litseners' attention and how convey message effectively. I will remember it next time. And I should not skip any popular question on interview tips anymore.
posted by lmeimei @4:30 PM|
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