Monday, August 08, 2005
Remembering Peter Jennings
I was quite shocked to hear the news about Jennings’s death today. It felt like yesterday that he announced in ABC about his lung cancer. He came to my attention during 9/11 in 2001, when most of news anchors went way too emotional and he remained his composed and caring gesture. He gave an impression of news insider, who does homework and actually knows what he talks about; and his presence gave a star power of TV personality. I saw him the other time on PBS hosting one of the opening night of Carnegie hall. He transformed himself into a classical music expert without trace of trying, and kept it cool and charming. He reminds me those old-time movie stars like Carry Grant, warm and assuring, but with much more brains and knowledge. And he has the best voice, before he got cancer, in all those veteran anchors of his generation.
posted by lmeimei @4:32 PM|
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