Thursday, September 01, 2005
I must admit I haven't' paid too much attention to Katrina at Louisiana for past few days, not close to half as much as I had for Tsunami in South Asia. How bad could it be, I thought, the richest country in the world, who dealt with hurricane/flood on annual base, who spent billions of dollars fighting terrorism and protect its people, how bad could it be?! I didn't pay much attention until I overheard an angry anchor ranting on CNN while I was cooking my lunch. I don't understand. How could the major rescue force there consists of Red Cross and local policemen in the face of large-scale death, famine, epidemic, looting and shooting? Where is the capable governor that can draw millions of federal funds and the caring president who passed sandbag on the dan, like what happened in Florida last year? I hope it is not because this is not an election year, or because Louisiana is certainly not a swing state, or because 60% of New Orleans are Black.
posted by lmeimei @5:03 PM|
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